Saturday, March 8, 2008

Superman and Batman

Blake's creativity and desire to carry on his "pretends" lately amazes me. He has recently become so entranced with Superman that he wants to watch his cartoons daily. Fine, right? Sure.....but he has also taken to calling himself "Superman." Again, fine. Add on that he has decided that I'm Lois (as in, Lane) and things get a little funny at our house. Unfortunately, he has now run out of characters for people to be. And, there's someone else in the house who's pretty important in Blake's life and to whom he is particularly attached....his Daddy. So who is Daddy? Batman of course! We have relinquished the notion of being called "Mommy" or "Daddy" any time in the near future. We are now "Mommy Lois" and "Daddy Batman." Possibly for forever.

A typical conversation at house sounds something like this lately:

"Put on your shoes, Blake."
"No, I Blake. I'm SHUPE-A-MAN!"
"OK Superman. Put on your shoes."
"OK Lois."


"Lois isn't here right now."
"Batman, where's Lois?"
"She's at work."
"Oh.....Lois at hospital?"

I have surely compromised the safety of Superman by revealing his secret identity, so I am hoping that no criminals are among my readers. Or that they realize the incredible protection our house has with both Superman AND Batman living under one roof.

I know there will come a time when pretending with Mommy & Daddy is not cool, so I'm treasuring these moments while they last. Ahh.....the joys of motherhood.


Anonymous said...

Bottom line, I think you are all super!