Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Running Wild

You know how some people say they wish that their kid had more imagination? Well, not us.....we haven't been able to call Blake by his actual name in over a week, nor have we been called by our actual names. The dear boy has such an imagination that his identity is changed daily.

One day he might be Spiderman & shoot webs at us, attack "bad guys", & help save his sister.

Another day he's a rocket ship zooming through.....everywhere......

And, we've already covered the squirrels. He loves squirrels. And other animals.

Maybe we have a really creative child who shares his father's love for drama & make-believe. Or maybe we have an undiagnosed schizophrenic. Only time will tell.


kristen lewis said...

I vote for imaginative! He keeps me laughing!

Anonymous said...

I'm just going to keep calling him adorable! He's growing so fast and knows so much, he is a joy to watch.